national Biodiesel Distributors (Australia) pty ltd (NBDA)

Our journey to clean energy solutions

What We Do
Who We Are

Energreen Nutrition Australia Pty Ltd and NBDA have been in the business of sustainable fuel via planting Pongamia Pinnata at various project sites and researching in collaboration with University of Queensland, CSIRO, other research organizations in Australia, India, Sri Lanka and USA . With over 20 years of research and learnings our aim is to expand our business and develop our first commercial scale plantation in Australia, and to be one of the largest suppliers of bio-fuel companies in Australia. The varietal of Pongamia grown in Southeast Queensland  is proved to be the one with the highest oil content in the seed yielding about 2 - 4 tones of oil per hectare.

With the world moving towards sustainable fuel and governments around the world bringing in restrictions on reduced carbon footprints on all sectors of the economy, it is a viable option to commercialise the use of abio-fuel that does not create any negative impact on bio-diversity , freshwater systems, food prices and availability.

Developing and establishing contact with the companies, energy providers, carbon trading organisation and aviation industry will help us create an eco system that will lead Australia towards realising the sustainable energy goals and Australian carbon reduction goals for 2030.

200KM x 200KM of Elite Pongamia plantations could replace all of Australia's liquid fuel needs (As represented on the map below)

Pongamia Plantation Australia
4 million hectares would sequester 40 million tonnes of CO2 in the trees and would replace a further 80 million tonnes of Carbon from the replacement of fossil fuels, making a total of effectively 120 million tonnes of carbon sequestered .

The Team

John Wedgwood
John Wedgwood
More about John
Gary Seaton
Gary Seaton
More about Gary
Peter M Gresshoff
Peter M Gresshoff
More about Peter
Jose Parjus
Jose Parjus
More about Jose
Dr. Lakshmi Prasad
Dr.Lakshmi Prasad
More about Dr.Lakshmi
Gowri Shankar
Gowri Shankar
More about Gowri
Pongamia Pinnata Seeds


National Biodiesel Australia

An Australian Company distributing biodiesel since 2008 and engaged in the development  of a new non food biofuel feedstock-Pongamia pinnata.

R&D partner with the University Of Queensland  into the utilization of Pongamia in all aspects of biofuel production and greenhouse gas reduction.

Mine land rehabilitation Meandu mine-Tarong
Mine land rehabilitation Meandu mine - Tarong
Plantation utilizing  CSG waste water –Origin Energy
Plantation utilising  CSG waste water – Origin Energy
Biodiesel crop-Caboolture
Biodiesel crop - Caboolture